Forbidden Items Policy

Terms and Conditions / Forbidden Items Policy

Forbidden Items Policy

This policy is a part of our Terms of Use. By opening an GPBox shop, you’re agreeing to this policy and our Terms of Use.

1. Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia, and Medical Drugs

Alcohol and drugs are prohibited on GPBox. These substances face serious legal restrictions and in many cases are considered controlled substances under applicable law. Our policy also applies to other substances that have or are claimed to have an intoxicating or healing effect. Possible legal restrictions aside, these substances simply are not in the spirit of GPBox and we therefore do not allow them.

2. Animal Products and Human Remains

Certain animal products are highly regulated and not in the spirit of GPBox due to the risk of harm to live, companion or endangered animals. The following examples are products that may not be sold on GPBox:

  1. Live Animals
  2. Ivory or bones
  3. Items created using any endangered Species
  4. Items made from cat and dog parts
  5. Items made from human remains

3. Dangerous Items: Hazardous Materials, Recalled Items and Weapons

For safety reasons and due to complex legal regulations surrounding certain items, we ask that our members not sell items that could be considered dangerous. These items include:

  1. Explosives
  2. Gases
  3. Flammable Items
  4. Radioactive Material
  5. Toxic substances including poisons
  6. Guns, Knives and Weapons, even imitation

4. Hate Items: Items that Promote, Support or Glorify Hatred

GPBox does not allow items or listings that promote, support or glorify hatred towards people or otherwise demean people based upon: race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation (collectively, “protected groups”) or items or content that promote organisations or people with such views.

5. Illegal Items, Items Promoting Illegal Activity and Highly Regulated Items

We respect the law and expect GPBox sellers to respect the law as well. Illegal items and items that promote illegal activity, including counterfeit or stolen items, are not allowed on GPBox. Neither are certain items that are subject to complex legal regulations or registration systems.

6. Internationally Regulated Items

If you buy or sell an item from another country, or if you enter into a transaction with someone across international borders, you are responsible for complying with laws and regulations of the country of destination as well as your local laws

When buying and selling internationally, you should comply with your local laws and also be aware that other countries may have their own set of restrictions. You might be prohibited from exporting or importing certain items under laws and regulations of the country of destination. The item you buy or sell may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, fees, and/or other regulations imposed by the country of destination.

GPBox reserves the right to request that sellers provide additional information, disclose an item’s country of origin in a listing, or take other steps to meet compliance obligations.

You should be aware that third-party payment processors, such as PayPal, may independently monitor transactions for sanctions compliance and may block some transactions as part of their own compliance programmes. GPbox has no authority or control over the independent decision-making of these providers.

7. Pornography and Mature Content

If you buy or sell an item from another country, or if you enter into a transaction with someone across international borders, you are responsible for complying with laws and regulations of the country of destination as well as your local laws

Pornography of any sort is prohibited on GPBox, whereas mature content is restricted.

Although pornography can be difficult to define, an item generally qualifies as pornography when it is a particularly extreme or explicit version of mature content.

8. Violent Items: Items that Promote, Support or Glorify Violence

We do not allow items or listings that promote, support or glorify acts of violence or harm towards self or others, including credible threats of harm or violence towards self or others.

We hope these guidelines are helpful, but we cannot catalogue every permitted or prohibited item. We reserve the right to remove listings that we determine are not within the spirit of GPBox. Such listings will be removed from the site, and the member’s selling privileges may be suspended and/or terminated.